- Two trash bags of actual trash
- Three paper bags filled with paper for the wood stove
- Two boxes filled with literally just other collapsed cardboard boxes.
- My first TV and VCR/ DVD Player
- A printer/ scanner/ photocopier that I haven't used in years
- A trash bag filled with clothes I haven't worn in a while and my brother's old clothes that came out of the dresser I am currently using. (If you really want to hold on to that 1994 World Cup t-shirt Nate, speak up now)
- A box of books to take to school
- A box of kitchen and dinning room stuff for the swap table at the landfill.
- Some low quality and mid- quality rugs
- Whatever you would classify that mirror thing with hooks as.
I've decided to try my luck at selling some of the bigger ticket items online before I just give them away for free- even though I'm pretty sure that in the end I'll be "compensated" by having someone else take them off my hands.
*Update: 2/5/2012: This is my carload of stuff. All the "big" stuff (TV, VCR/DVD player, printer, etc) is still in my room. I'll keep it for a week to see what, if anything, I can get for them. So far, my best offer is two beers at Penuche's in Keene. Depending on when you go, that equals out to somewhere between $1.50 and $4. Also, I really need to wash my car.
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