Sunday, January 8, 2012

.... and we're back.

Here is what I realized today, as I stood in my room for a full 15 minutes before touching anything: we are probably past the point where this is going to be exciting (assuming, of course, that there was a time when you considered a blog about me cleaning my room exciting).

In the beginning, there were literally bags just full of trash that had never been taken out that could easily be removed. After that I had all sorts of random staff to which I wasn't particularly attached; things I could easily bag up in an hour or two without much thought. For every photo I have posted and written about, there are about 3 or 4 other pictures that just didn't seem worth my time. And then there are hundreds of things that didn't get photographed at all. It was easy to throw out two or three trash bags worth of stuff each week.

Below, is what went to the transfer station today:

Two boxes.

I'm not sure if I'm having trouble getting rid of stuff because now we're down to just the choicest few thousand items (literally still thousands) or I'm just out of practice after having taken a break for so long. Either way, I spent two hours combing through my room today without seeming to make a dent in the remaining clutter.

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