Sunday, May 13, 2012

So Long for Now

From the last post: 

"Check back Sunday to see if I got back on top of things. Ooooo, the SUSPENSE!"

Did you indeed check back in a week later?  Did you notice there was no new entry? Did/ does that provide an adequate answer to the inquiry above? It did for me.

Some "official", but-you-probably-saw-it-coming news:

This blog is going on hiatus.

As I mentioned two weeks ago, spring is my busiest time of the year. For those of you who are unaware, my current position as an In-School Suspension Coordinator has been cut from the school district budget for next year. Even fewer of you may realize that this is the 7th year in a row that circumstances have lead me to spend the majority of April and May job searching- as in EVERY year since grad school. (Go here, here, and/ or here for more of the nitty gritty details.) The whole thing has become pretty routine at this point, and I dare say that so far this is one of my most successful job searches yet. I've landed multiple interviews already and been accepted into a grad program. All that being said, it is time consuming. Add to that a number of other time sensitive projects I have on the table, and this poor little blog has fallen by the wayside.

With my plans for the fall up in the air, I may actually be moving out of my parents house. Camp starts in 5 weeks. That means that I'll need to focus much more heavily on getting my current room back to its original "guest bedroom" statu.  Any (sporadic) posts in the near future will probably deal with that.

Thanks for the support. It has been a really fun project. I was genuinely surprised at how many people read it.

Here's the last picture for a while. This is the desk where I do my writing. It took me nearly two hours today to clean it out.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Backsliding like Nobody's Business

So, I was going to sit down and write, "Oh man, looks like it has been a couple weeks..." Then I saw that it has actually been almost two months.

And it shows.

Here's the disheveled room where I store my stuff:

And here is the squalor in which I have been living:

I tend to forget that spring is my busiest time of the year for me. I'm job searching all across the five states, getting ready for one of my last summers of camp, debating the merits of grad school, maintaining my long distance relationship on the cusp of being in its 9th year, vaguely planning a wedding, and working 10 hours a day.

Check back Sunday to see if I got back on top of things. Ooooo, the SUSPENSE!

(Sorry, just watched the "reality show" episode of 30 Rock. It is about the closest to melodrama I've seen recently. Wanted to jump on the bandwagon)