After all the excitement of discovering my old cassettes, it never actually got thrown out. I have a few friends who are into cassette and VHS tapes. You know, because they're so *vintage* and hip among the "I wear skinny jeans, drink PBR and am into indie everything but don't call me a hipster" crowd. One of said friends insisted that I see if anyone wants these before I throw them out. So, here's a list of what I'm looking to unload. You have a week to let me know if you are interested. (I know all my non-hipster friends are just dying to get their hands on some Mariah Carey and Disney soundtracks):
Albums that Still Have Their Original Liner Notes:
- Boyz II Men: Cooleyhighharmony
- Mariah Carey (Self titled?)
- Mariah Carey: Music Box
- EnVouge: Runaway Love
- Lenny Kravitz: Are You Gonna Go My Way
- Shai: ...if i ever fall in love
- The A League of Their Own Soundtrack
- (Note: This one came with a sticker that specifically stated, "This album DOES NOT contain a track from Madonna", because "This Used to be My Playground", the song that played over the credits that everyone associated with the movie, was not actually on the soundtrack. Still through, it has some fun songs from the '40s covered by "current" artists at the time)
- Madonna: Like a Virgin
- The Rembrants: L.P.
- The Rush Soundtrack
- The Wizard of Oz Soundtrack (This one is still wrapped in plastic. I had multiple copies)
- Areosmith: Get a Grip
- The Beauty and the Beast Soundtrack
- Mary J. Blige: What's the 411? Remix Album
- Cracker: Kerosene Hat
- Enya (self titled)
- The Lion King Soundtrack
- NSYNC: No Strings Attached (I bought this in high school, after the CD was popularized but when I still had a tape deck in my car. I believe I own it in both formats)
- The Temptations Greatest Hits
- Tina Turner: Break Every Rule
This is entitled "Part 1" because I dumped about half of the collection into my car, anticipating that I would grow to love them again. This has not consistently been the case. Keep your eyes peeled for a "Part 2"
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