Sunday, January 8, 2012

Books: The Next Big Heartache.

For those of you who read my postings on stuffed animals (seen here and here) you know that some types of "treasures" are easier for me to let go than others. I've been putting off touching anything on my bookshelves since this whole process began. After scratching my head over what to tackle next, however, I decided that my library's time had come.

As with the stuffed animals, this initial group is just a fraction of what I have, mainly stuff I didn't care to much about anyway, and took an agonizingly long time to ponder over before ultimately getting rid of. Unlike the stuffed animals, however, I intend to keep MOST of my books when this is all said and done. After reviewing my collection today, I decided that I 1) have awesome taste in books, and 2) can/ will allow myself this one area of excess. Also, I hear most adults have these things called "apartments" or "houses", where they can fit multiple bookshelves along the walls without them monopolizing the space. Some people even have whole rooms dedicated to book storage and reading. A girl can dream....

If you're squinting to read titles, here's the quick summary:
  • Lots of books people gave me as gifts, including not one, but two on "the power of angels"
  • A few various text books from college, including a collection of Yeats and Yeats related texts from an entire course devoted to him. Word to the wise: nothing will squash your fledgling love a single author more than having to study him in-depth for a semester.
  • A few crappy grammar books that I never actually used with students. 
  • Novels that I am 100% sure I will never read or read again. I did like The Dead Zone, but be forewarned that if you ever want to discuss how much you loved Angela's Ashes with me, I may declare our friendship over and walk away.

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