Saturday, October 29, 2011

Last one of the night, I swear

Here are the highlights of the rest of today's cleaning:

 What's even cooler than getting a trophy for band? Getting one that implies, "You used to really suck. Now, not so much."

I remember I literally pried my closet door off it's hinges to make room for these beads. I talk a lot in this blog about things my mother didn't care for. Pretty sure this one Dad was less than pleased about. But hey, those green ones glow in the dark. It's all about priorities.

My brother gave me this for my birthday the first year he moved to New York. It has never actually been used on a light fixture before.

Lastly, Truth or Dare Jenga. We had a lot of fun with this one in high school. There were blank spaces where you could write in your own suggestions. That "fun" becomes just a string of awkward moments when your elementary school cousins come over and want to play and ask what everything means.  (As a side note; There would have been a time when I would have shaken my head and muttered, "Shame on us" for some of the things that got penciled in to this. However, I've known enough high school students at this point to understand that any game with a fill-in the blank component is not safe around anyone from this age group. Lock that stuff away with the liquor when your kids come of age. You will thank me.)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, truth or dare Jenga. I also have this game floating around in my piles. It's not appropriate for use with the kids, which means it's pretty much useless to me.
