Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Here we go

Pack Rat. Hoarder. Slob. Probably all applicable.

I held on to a plethora of possessions from childhood into adolescence, then from adolescence into college. After college I moved into my first apartment. When I moved in with my boyfriend, I had to bring a lot of stuff back to my parents house. When I moved back to my parents house, all my "grown up" stuff got literally stacked on top of my old stuff.  Pair this pile of treasure with a generally disheveled lifestyle,  many quick trips in to rummage through and grab something or toss something else in for storage, throw in an avalanche every now and then, and the end result is as follows:

Yup.  That's 28 years of stuff. Soon to be 29.

The truth is, it's got to go. Not just be neatened up and stored. Much of it serves no purpose.  Do I need the bottles from the non-alcoholic champagne I had at my New Years Eve 2000 party? A tub of ripped jeans that were put aside for a craft project sometime in college? Every notebook from every class I ever took?

The answer here is clear.

So here we go. The odyssey to get to the bottom of my floor. Join me as I say good bye to some crap that I don't need but haven't had the heart to throw out. Ever.

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