Thursday, May 3, 2012

Backsliding like Nobody's Business

So, I was going to sit down and write, "Oh man, looks like it has been a couple weeks..." Then I saw that it has actually been almost two months.

And it shows.

Here's the disheveled room where I store my stuff:

And here is the squalor in which I have been living:

I tend to forget that spring is my busiest time of the year for me. I'm job searching all across the five states, getting ready for one of my last summers of camp, debating the merits of grad school, maintaining my long distance relationship on the cusp of being in its 9th year, vaguely planning a wedding, and working 10 hours a day.

Check back Sunday to see if I got back on top of things. Ooooo, the SUSPENSE!

(Sorry, just watched the "reality show" episode of 30 Rock. It is about the closest to melodrama I've seen recently. Wanted to jump on the bandwagon)

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